Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Rocket Park

Donna and a bunch of her friends from Open Door went to a women's day in Bedford, Ash had volunteered to look after Leanne's kids for the day so she could join them; I'd offered to give Ash a hand with this and they spent the day at our house.

Working the mechanical digger
Donna had left out a big box of craft materials, and that along with a pizza and spaghetti hoops lunch occupied much of the time. But for part of the morning I was at 'The Rocket Park' with one of the girls as she is really, really keen on the play equipment there.

The photo shows her shovelling sand on the little mechanical digger. I'd have loved one of these when I was little, but they're a relatively new idea. Simple but fun.

Why is it called 'The Rocket Park'? It's not an official name, just what the kids all call it. One of the larger pieces of play equipment is a big climbing frame in the shape of a rocket nose-cone. There are climbing walls, ladders, scramble nets and bars in the lower part and an upper floor with a central opening to access it. All the children love it.

Sometimes simple things are all that's needed to keep children occupied for hours. That was certainly the case today! And, if you think about it, far better than time spent in front of a TV or games console. And I had the opportunity for some conversation with one or two parents.

(If you liked this you might also like Journeys of heart and mind and Quote me on this.)

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